The From Oppression to Agency Series

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This series seemed to have a life of its own. The concept was a figure pushing against an oppressive force, specifically linear time. The seemingly solid, angular objects in the sky move ahead relentlessly. On the left are icons, symbolizing concepts of time. For example, the first one is writing. The act of marking facts and ideas on paper makes a record, our history through time.

Oppressive Forces

Oppressive Forces

Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

The first print, "Oppressive Forces", uses dark, solid colors, these visually add weight to her dilemma.

Feeling Crushed by Linear Time

Feeling Crushed by Linear Time

Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

Lightening Up

Lightening Up

Collagraph Print

15 x 9 inches

"Lightening Up" is a ghost print, not picking up the weight of the first. The lighter areas and open background make room for hope. The glowing object in her hand was a surprise I discovered after I pulled the print. I was delighted to see this change.

Taking Shape

Taking Shape

Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

In "Taking Shape" I added the black lines inside the figure after the print was dry. This adds substance and power to the figure.



Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

In the previous prints, I used only grays and subdued color. I challenged myself to use brighter colors. I really had no idea how much this would change the prints. There is energy and excitement in "Potential" because of this change. The color is matched above and below, beginning a new relationship for our figure between energy and agency.



Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

In the sixth of the series, "Manifesting", the color is now in her hand. It originates with her. She is able to organize and be in harmony with what used to be external oppressive forces.



Hand Modified Print

15 x 9 inches

In the last print, "Co-Creation", she is a true collaborator with all the energies and phenomenon in her experience.

Dimensions are of the print itself, excluding the white border.